The Madison Community Seventh-day Adventist Church is located on Madison's Northside. Pastor Rowell Puedivan began his Madison ministry on November 1, 2018.
Read our local congregation's Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and Purpose Statement here.

Rowell Puedivan has been serving as a pastor in Wisconsin since January 1, 2008. He married Eldinh Robles Balawing on June 7, 1998 in the Philippines, and they have been serving Jesus together in North America (USA & Canada) for over 20 years.
He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies Degree in 1995 at Canadian Union College (now Burman University) and his Master of Divinity Degree in 2003 at Andrews University.
Rowell enjoys cooking meals with his wife, traveling together when given the opportunity on short vacations, visiting family and friends, nature walks on warm sunny days, playing sports (basketball, racketball, etc.).
His artistic interests are playing guitar and other instruments, singing and writing praise and worship songs, performing in mini-concert events with his wife and other artists, and recording/producing music albums.
He loves reading the Bible and selected books on Spiritual growth, Church growth, etc. His passion is to see people, young and old alike, grow maturely and intimately in their relationship with Jesus because everything else falls into their rightful places when we know Him as personal Savior, Lord and Friend.
To know Jesus deeply, to love Him more fully and to make Him known as a personable, merciful, loving, compassionate, all-inclusive God is his heart and desire for living.
He is currently the lead pastor for the Madison Community Church, as well as the Monroe and Evansville Seventh-day Adventist Churches.
Pastor Rowell and the members of the Madison Community Church, an international faith community, welcome you with open arms. Come, join us for inspiring worship and warm fellowship —and leave not only blessed by Jesus, but ready to serve Him and be a blessing. See you soon!
Jesus said:
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Matthew 11:28-30, The Message

This banner inside our sanctuary illustrates some of the diversity within our church members and visitors.
Hmong-language services are held at the church many Sabbath afternoons.
We have done Easter musicals in 2019, 2022, 2023, and 2024. See the About Us- Easter Musicals tab for all the links to view.
We do a Walk Through Bethlehem pageant approximately every other year, the most recent in December 2024. Here is a description.